Article Update – 4/20/21 – (Originally published 6/4/2020)
Guilty, Guilty, Guilty. Accountability given but true justice is still in the works.
Are you woke yet or are you still living in the illusion of inclusion? There have been too many senseless losses of Black lives at the hands of some so-called ‘officers of the peace.’ The recent murder of George Floyd appears to be the strike on the match box that finally lit. The movement is on fire… Protests are strong and emotions are high. This is the best time to embrace some music for the soul.
“I would not call today’s verdict justice, however, because justice implies true restoration. But it is accountability, which is the first step toward justice,”
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison
I’m not the voice to spark a movement but I can recommend the shit out of a ‘track list of protest songs.’ Seriously, I want the people impacted by this event to find their voice through music. It can help ease the pain and focus on the goal. The recent protests in our country and around the world, aren’t new… We’ve been here before and marched and tore shit up then too — in the 50’s’ 60’s;70’s; and every decade up to now. Each time, it happened while a soundtrack to the movement glared loudly in the backdrop. Artist like James Brown; Marvin Gaye; The Temptations; The Last Poets; WAR; NWA; Tupac; and Public Enemy contributed to theme music that ironically still resonates today.
Music has been a part of the struggle from day one. Take a moment to get your playlist together and turn to music to create your soundtrack of change and inspiration. Music heals the soul and the mind. Use it to get through these dark times.
Keep plotting, planning, and protesting.